Credit for this post goes to Melanie Fuston. She regularly encourages the church members and friends with insightful thoughts about a Bible passage.
1 Kings 11:11-12 from the VOICE Bible reads as follows:
"You have been unfaithful to me and have broken my covenant...But in honor of your father, David, who was always faithful to me, I will not remove the kingdom from you."
Below are Melanie's thoughts on this passage. They are certainly something to meditate upon as we examine how we are living our lives.
Twenty-three years after David died, his son, King Solomon, had married foreign wives and started worshipping their idols. He knew better, but he let his heart turn away from the Lord. God would have taken this kingdom from Solomon, but He said that for the sake of David, He wouldn't do it. David started a blessing, and even after he died, his children walked in the blessing. They received mercy because of how he lived.
The decisions we make every day don't just affect our lives. They affect generations to come. When you make decisions that honor God, when you're generous and faithful, it is being credited to your children's account, to your grandchildren, to future generations. Just as there are generational sins of negatives that can be passed down, there are generational blessings. God is keeping an account of every good thing you do. That's not being overlooked. It's accruing mercy, favor, and blessing in your family's account. You can be the one to set your family on a new course of blessing.
A prayer for today:
Father, thank You that You have given me the power to start an abundant, generational blessing!
Have a Spirit filled day and Glod bless you richly.